Andrew Corrado

Hey there! I’m Andrew, a hobby writer who found a home with Authors Anonymous. I joined the group as a way to keep myself honest about writing consistently and was absorbed into the community like everyone else. It’s been a fantastic way to meet new people and find the motivation to keep writing.

As an avid reader and RPG player, I’ve always loved stories, both telling and experiencing them. My writing is the outlet of all the scattered ideas that can’t find a home elsewhere. I currently work mostly on short stories and flash fiction, but eventually I’d like to write full novels. Predominantly, I focus on Science Fiction and Fantasy, though I occasionally dip into more Realistic Fiction and even some Poetry.

My work tends to play with wonder and mystery, even as the subjects change. Sometimes, it’s channeling my fascination with real world nature and space. Other times, it’s an exploration of people faced with the supernatural. In either case I hope my readers feel that same passion both for the world around us and the worlds that might be out there. If any of that sounds interesting, you can find a collection of my works at

I’d love to hear what you think!