Marleen Martinez

Hi! I’m Marleen Martinez. I have been writing fiction as a hobby for most of my life, but I’m now writing my first novel – and determined to finish it! (All things are possible if you believe **crossed fingers**--knock on wood – etc.) I like writing so much that I went into debt, only to spend the next few years trying to unlearn the bad habits I picked up. Totally worth it…(no, I will not look at my student loan balance. You can’t make me.) 

What got me into writing? Boybands. There were an ungodly number of notebooks full of self-inserted, melodramatic fan fiction starring me and my boyband of the moment. That and I wrote my first poem in sixth grade for homework. My teacher liked it so much that she published it in the end-of-year creative writing journal. I couldn’t resist the ego boost, you know. So, clearly, my love for writing is as pure as fancy coconut oil. 

 As I did then, I still write what makes me happy. For a while, that meant a lot of YA. Now, I’ve graduated to Mystery-Urban Fantasy fare. I love reading everything, so I will eventually write a Space Opera-Thriller-Heist-Comedy about interstellar plumbers. I’ll let you know how it goes! For now, though, if you like mysteries, urban fantasy, and LGBTQ topics, you’re in for a hell of a ride!  

I love meeting other writers. If you want to talk about your work, get a critique, or just get a little push forward, you can reach me at

 I haven’t published anything in a long while, but I have an old college portfolio. If you get bored, feel free to peruse my cringe.  

My professional portfolio is I hope to post my professional creative writing work there.