Jon Williams

For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed dreaming up and telling stories. When I was little, I was ever eager to journey to the Nine Realms of Norse mythology or to dive into the pages of various youth series.

As I got older, I began to analyze myth and legends and realized their innate deep rootedness intertwining into the DNA of humanity. I decided I would like to expand these observations more, so I took up writing. Through an allegorical style of fabulism, I have been able to explore impactful components of life as an approach to understand the human condition. Additionally, I aim to extend perspectives on how we perceive and how we are perceived. 

Professionally, I write public policy for the local school district and I take great pride in this work. I wholeheartedly believe that there is something to be said about being able to take a concept or idea formed in one’s mind and be able to convey that effectively to others. I would love to have this skill transfer into my works of fiction, as I am working on my first novel. 

Through Authors Anonymous I have found a supportive group that encourages me to accomplish this goal. Perhaps even more importantly, I have found a group that makes my work feel valued and has given me a sense of belonging. I look forward to continuing to create, and I hope that someday I can share my stories with you.