Lisa Kilper

Hello! I’m Lisa, and I am writing my first novel! I joined Author’s Anonymous to have a consistent community to keep me motivated through my writing journey. This group has created an incredibly welcoming, comfortable, and fun atmosphere to join each week! 

I am a lifelong lover of stories, both hearing and telling them! I have been writing stories since elementary school, when I wrote my first book about a frog who stole a shoe and hopped around with it, frightening bystanders as it dashed by. Today, my stories still contain bizarre situations and unexpected characters. Much like this frog and my shoes, my imagination loves to run away with me. 

I have written many short stories, poems, and a few personal essays. My work is usually in the genres of thriller, fantasy, and horror. Though my work contains many monsters, literal and figurative, I like to sprinkle humor throughout. 

I have not published anything for anybody outside of my writing classes to read yet, but I have decades of stories stashed in old notebooks that I hope to revisit and share in the future! For now, I am focusing mainly on my novel. 

I’d love to connect with other writers! Feel free to contact me if you’d like a critique or just want a friendly connection at