
I am consumed by the choices I have made

the choices that I have not.

It nibbles away at my edges

spreads my crumbs to every nook and cranny.

renders me frozen in place

at the hub of life’s infinite diversions.

folds and unfolds myself into other selves like a paper doll chain.

I examine these familiar strangers

try to dissect the subtle shifts on their mirrored faces.

Are they happy?

Are they proud?

Do they sit in stale silence

mentally following the ceaseless thread

to all the me’s that could be?

There must be one of me

that is not bogged down by this never-ending tree

not drowning in its sea of spindly branches.

Content with her decisions

with herself.

Nadia Lee Owens

I am an emerging writer who mostly writes poems and scripts that range from fantasy to sci-fi to southern gothic.


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